Why is Fire Safety Training so important?
Fire Safety Law | Article 21 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places a mandatory obligation on employers to provide adequate fire safety training for staff when first employed, when working circumstances change and periodically, typically every 1 - 2 years. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/1541/article/21/made
The potential exists for so much to go wrong in such a time sensitive situation, without the required knowledge and preparation to not only prevent the outbreak of fire occurring, but the ability to be able to deal with it efficiently, should the worst happen.
Not everybody needs to be trained to Fire Marshal level, but your Fire Risk Assessment should provide details on what the chain of command should be.
We can help prepare your team to effectively manage day to day fire prevention responsibilities and provide them with the key skills to deal with a worst case scenario.
Visit our e-learning page: http://www.thefirepoint.co.uk/e-learning
Drop us a line at safe@thefirepoint.co.uk
Or call (01202) 84 96 95 for a friendly chat.